Call 811 Before You Dig

Don't Forget to Call 811

A leading cause of pipeline accidents results from improper excavations. If you are a homeowner, farmer, excavator or developer, remember to call 811 before you dig to help prevent accidental pipeline ruptures and accidents. 

Learn more at the Call 811 website.

Call Before You Dig. 
It's the Law.

Before You Dig, Do Your Part.

  1. Call 811: A free phone call to 811 will start the process to get pipelines marked.
  2. Wait: Once a free phone call to 811 is made, wait the required amount of time for underground utilities to mark the proposed work area.
  3. Respect All Markings: Make sure worksite is clearly outlined and do not dig where underground utilities are marked. To change the location of project, start from Step 1. 
  4. Dig With Care: If a buried pipeline is struck, the owner of that utility should be contacted immediately. Unreported damage, including damage to pipeline coating or denting of the pipe, can lead to an accident days or even years later.


Safe Excavator Application

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